What Causes Poor Egg Quality? The Details You Need to Know Today

What causes poor egg quality? This is an important topic if you're trying to get pregnant with PCOS. You want to know what causes poor egg quality so you can avoid it.

Poor egg quality today doesn't mean you'll have poor egg quality forever. But the first step in helping improve egg quality is to figure out what is causing the poor egg quality so you can start turning things around.

A question mark followed by the title what causes poor egg quality? The details you need to know

What is Egg Quality?

Egg quality refers to the egg having the correct number of chromosomes. Why is this important? Because if the egg doesn’t have the correct number of chromosomes, then it won’t be able to survive.

If the egg isn’t able to survive, then the egg isn’t able to connect with the sperm, implant and make a baby.

Badda bing, badda boom.

Do you see how that works and why egg quality is so important?

To get even more info on egg quality and how it impacts PCOS fertility, jump on over here to read my definitive guide to egg quality and PCOS.

So now that you know how important egg quality is for fertility, let's talk about the top 4 causes of poor egg quality.

What Causes Poor Egg Quality?

What Causes Poor Egg Quality? #1: Insulin Resistance

Let's talk about this first because did you know that insulin resistance is incredibly common with PCOS? In fact, it's estimated that insulin resistance affects up to 80% of people with PCOS.

One study looked at blood sugar levels and IVF. The researchers looked at the effect of high blood sugar levels in women over time.

The results? They found that women with insulin resistance had fewer eggs retrieved, fewer eggs fertilized and fewer good-quality embryos.

The pregnancy rate was also dramatically different.

23% of the women without insulin resistance got pregnant. Women with insulin resistance? Only 3.4% of that group got pregnant.

If you're wondering what causes poor egg quality, insulin resistance is one important factor.

What Causes Poor Egg Quality #2: Smoking

Did you know that smoking depletes vital nutrients in the body that are needed to help improve egg quality?

One study looked at the effects of smoking on egg quality. Like the studied I mentioned above, this one looked at people going through assisted reproduction techniques like IVF.

Here's what they found.

For every 10-pack year smoking history, those women had fewer eggs retrieved and fewer mature eggs. Those that were smoking during the IVF cycle? Had a 50% less chance of it working than non-smokers.

The good news? For people who were former smokers and yet stopped smoking before going through fertility treatments, they had the same chance of pregnancy as non-smokers.

What Causes Poor Egg Quality #3: Exposure to Toxins

Eggs are susceptible to toxins. These are some of the most common toxins that can affect egg quality:

  • Pollution

  • Endocrine-disrupters

  • BPA

  • Phthalates

The more toxins someone is exposed to, the more antioxidants that are needed to help detox the body free of those toxins.

When the body gets overloaded by toxins, those toxins then accumulate in the body. Antioxidants are the super-heros that keep toxins flowing through and out of the body. Eggs rely on antioxidants to help keep them happy and healthy.

But when there are a lot of toxins in the body?

Those antioxidants that are needed for egg development are used up for getting those toxins out of the body. That leaves the eggs without key nutrients needed for boosting egg quality.

What Causes Poor Egg Quality #4: Nutrient-Deficiency

Eggs require specific nutrients in order to function as they should. Those antioxidants that I mentioned above are one set of important nutrients. But another set of nutrients are important for improving egg quality and those are nutrients that mitochondria use.

In fact, did you know that the eggs hold the highest concentration of mitochondria in the entire body?

Why are mitochondria so important for egg quality? Because they help create the energy the egg needs in order to duplicate chromosomes and develop as they should.

If the mitochondria aren't working as they should, then the eggs don't have the proper tools in order to help develop and ovulate.

Some mitchondria-specific nutrients eggs require in order to be ready to make a baby are:

  • Vitamin C

  • Zinc

  • B vitamins

  • Omega 3 fatty acids

  • Selenium

  • Magnesium

Let's sum this up!

Egg quality is an important piece of PCOS fertility. Here are the top 4 causes of poor egg quality that you learned about today.

  1. Insulin-Resistance

  2. Smoking

  3. Toxin Exposure

  4. Nutrient-Deficiency

Don't let poor egg quality get in the way of getting pregnant! Just because you may fall into one of these categories, doesn't mean you're doomed to have poor egg quality forever. There are specific steps that can be taken in order to help improve egg quality and your chances of getting pregnant with PCOS.

Sign up for a PCOS Fertility Breakthrough Session to get started.

Dr. Angela Potter

Hi! I’m Dr. Angela Potter and I am the creator of the PCOS Fertility Protocol. I offer individualized PCOS fertility plans in Portland, Oregon and virtually to women across the country.

Over the last decade of seeing patients, I was seeing too many women who felt hopeless and like their body was broken because they had PCOS and couldn’t get pregnant. That’s what inspired me to create my PCOS Fertility Protocol to help women (just like you!) have a clear path forward for their fertility.


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