How to Manage PCOS Symptoms Naturally: The Top 3

Now that you've been diagnosed with PCOS you're depressed, more angry now than ever because no one has had an answer other than "lose weight and if you eat less than 500 calories per day it will fix itself". You're sick and tired of that dismissive information and you still want to know how to manage PCOS symptoms naturally.

You're in the right place and I'm so glad you are here.

Today you are going to learn how to manage the top 3 PCOS symptoms naturally. The symptoms you are going to learn about are hirsuitism (unwanted hair growth), irregular cycles and infertility.

So if you not only want to manage PCOS symptoms naturally but also feel better, be less tired and know how to take care of your PCOS, it's time to dive in!

Flowers and bowls of dried petals followed by the title how to manage PCOS symptoms naturally: the top 3

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the number one top causes of female infertility.

PCOS doesn't only affect fertility. Any woman (or person with female hormones) can have PCOS during her reproductive years. It's during these years when PCOS is most often felt in the body because it can lead to irregular cycles and irregular bleeding.

It can also cause a variety of hormone imbalances that can cause symptoms like irritability, weight gain, acne and unwanted hair growth.

In the post-menopausal years, even if someone doesn't have a period, PCOS is still significant because it can increase the chances of certain cancers like endometrial cancer.

How to Manage PCOS Symptoms Naturally: The Top 3

PCOS Symptom #1: Hirsuitism

What is hirsuitism?

Hirsuitism means unwanted hair growth. You know, the type of hair growth that you don't want someone noticing or having someone know that you're dealing with it.

The type of hair growth that is very uncomfortable and affects your confidence.

This is the hair that grows on your chin, your upper lip, your back, lower belly and/or upper thighs.

Not sure if the extra hair growth you have is considered hirsuitism or not? Head over here to read on a bit more about it.

What causes hirsuitism?

Hirsuitism is caused by an increase in elevated androgen hormones. Otherwise known as testosterone and DHEA. Did you know that these two hormones are commonly known as "male-pattern hormones"? It's because in someone with male hormones, those hormones like testosterone are always elevated. And it's healthy and "normal" to have a lot of those types of hormones.

But for those of us with female hormones? It's not what we want. Well, now here's the thing, we do want a little bit of testosterone. It does help with important body systems like libido and muscle growth.

The issue starts when those of us with female hormones has too many androgen hormones. And one big way it shows up in the body is this unwanted hair growth.

How to treat hirsuitism naturally


Studies have found positive outcomes with zinc and hirsuitism. One particular study followed women with PCOS who took 50mg of zinc daily. What they found was a significant improvement in hirsuitism scores.

Zinc acts directly on the hair follicles to stimulate more growth. It also helps with lowering those more potent levels of testosterone.

Saw palmetto

Saw Palmetto works by inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase pathway. This helps reduce the "potent" form of testosterone in order to help improve hirsuitism.

PCOS Symptom #2: Irregular Cycles

Irregular cycles are typically the top complaint from people who come talk to me about their fertility struggles.

They often tell me things like, "Yes, my goal is to get pregnant. But if I can get regular cycles and positive ovulation tests, then I will feel like my body is working again".

Irregular cycles mean that your cycle isn't the same length from month-to-month.

Here's how to figure out if you have irregular cycles

Count from the first day of bleeding from one cycle all the way to the first day of bleeding of the next cycle.

If your cycles are irregular then they may be 35 days or longer. You may have only had 1 period in a year. You may cycle frequently but your cycles are sometimes 24 days and sometimes 38 days.

What causes an irregular cycle?

Ovulation issues are typically at the core of what causes an irregular cycle.

These are the most common issues that stop ovulation:

  • Elevated androgen hormones

  • Elevated insulin

  • Too much stress

  • Not enough progesterone

  • Not enough estrogen

How to manage irregular cycles naturally

I could very well list out a variety of supplements that help improve ovulation. But honestly? That would be a disservice to you. That would be like telling you to throw spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks. A waste of time, money and your sanity.

In order to help improve irregular cycles, the most important thing is to do some investigating about your body first.

The first step is to figure out what is causing your cycles to be irregular and what's stopping you from ovulating. An key way to do this is to figure out your PCOS type.

The next step is to figure out what your hormones are doing. Are they in the normal rhythm they want to be in in order to help ovulation happen?

Once you have that information, then you can get a plan that addresses those issues and helps you to ovulate and bring your cycles back to a regular rhythm.

Manage PCOS Symptoms Naturally #3: Infertility

Infertility has a set diagnosis. It's defined as not being able to get pregnant within 1 year of trying if you're less than 35. But if you're 35 and over? It's defined as not being able to get pregnant within 6 months of trying.

So if you're within that timeline, you're going to want to work on your fertility. But many women come to me even when they haven't reached those timelines yet and they still want to work on enhancing their fertility. So even if you aren't within the "infertility" diagnosis, you can still be doing work to enhance your chances of getting pregnant.

How to treat infertility naturally?

If you breezed through the last section about irregular cycles, you're going to want to head back up and re-read that. There are a few very important points that apply to infertility as well. Because guess what? If you have irregular cycles you most likely have fertility struggles as well.

So getting clarity on PCOS is one of the first steps to improving infertility.

These are some of the most important parts of your health plan that need to happen in order for fertility to open up the most:

  • Get a solid fertility foundation in place which include key nutrients that support pre-conception health

  • PCOS fertility lab evaluation to see what's going on in your individual body

  • Egg quality plan that helps enhance your egg quality

  • PCOS fertility nutrition plan that helps your body get nourished

As you can see, there is no one magic pill that cures PCOS infertility. Some doctors will let you believe that. But we know it isn't true. If there was a magic fertility pill, everyone who wanted to be (including you!) would be pregnant by now. Am I right?

But there is a path forward which is what I laid out some pieces of it for you above. When you're trying to manage your PCOS infertility naturally, a holistic approach to your body and your needs is key.

Has PCOS left you feeling broken and lost?

It doesn't have to be this hard.

Sign up for a PCOS Fertility Breakthrough Session and get the direction you need to help you manage your PCOS symptoms effectively.

Dr. Angela Potter

Hi! I’m Dr. Angela Potter and I am the creator of the PCOS Fertility Protocol. I offer individualized PCOS fertility plans in Portland, Oregon and virtually to women across the country.

Over the last decade of seeing patients, I was seeing too many women who felt hopeless and like their body was broken because they had PCOS and couldn’t get pregnant. That’s what inspired me to create my PCOS Fertility Protocol to help women (just like you!) have a clear path forward for their fertility.

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