Here's What You Need to Know About How to Treat PCOS Naturally

Do you want to treat PCOS naturally? You certainly aren't alone and I want you to know that it's not only doable but also foundational to getting the results you're looking for. But don't start without a plan! Even if something is natural, it doesn't mean it's safe for everyone.

Here's what you need to know about how to treat PCOS naturally

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a leading cause of female infertility. It affects about 5 million women in the US alone.

PCOS is a syndrome. What does that mean? Well, a syndrome means that it is made up of different symptoms. Three to be exact. You need to have at least two out of these three symptoms in order to be diagnosed.

  1. Ovulation issues

  2. Elevated androgen hormones

  3. Ovarian cysts

What is Natural PCOS Treatment?

So first let's get clear on what natural PCOS treatment is. Medications are what are considered non-natural treatments. So anything that is not a medication? Well you can basically clump that in to a natural treatment.

The most common natural treatments for PCOS include things like diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements.

So you want to treat PCOS naturally? That's great! Making changes in your diet, lifestyle and nutrient levels can make a radical change in your PCOS symptoms.

You're here because you want to see results, and I'm cheering for you. So I want you to know the most important things to consider when treating PCOS naturally.

3 Must-Know Facts About How to Treat PCOS Naturally

Treat PCOS Naturally Fact #1: An individualized plan is best

A quick search for PCOS Diet brings up 57 million results. And you know what's on every page? Someone telling you that they know what the best diet is for your PCOS.

And then if you do a search for PCOS supplements? Well, that brings up a mere 25 million results. Oh good. That's much lower than PCOS diet searches, so that should bring some more clarity for you, right?


We all know it, don't we? It's incredibly difficult to sort through the large amount of information on the internet. Which I certainly see the irony here because I am currently writing this article for you. But hey, I'm a doctor and a nutritionist, so my expertise should hold a little bit of sway for you.

But regardless of if you decide to use me as your PCOS doctor, I want you to know that it's crucial that you get an individualized plan for your PCOS.

The two things that I've discovered in my decade+ years of experience working in healthcare is this.

First, there's no one diet or one plan that works for absolutely everyone.

And second? If you want to see results, then you need a plan that understands where you are coming from, where you want to go and how to get a plan that addresses your individual health picture.

Reading up on a new supplement that balances blood sugar and improves ovulation? Could be a complete waste of money and time unless you know how it's going to help your specific health picture.

Treat PCOS Naturally Fact #2: Diet is key

Food is the foundation of our everyday lives and health. You can take all the supplements in the world, but if you don't get key nutrients from your diet, then you aren't going to go anywhere.

So if you're starting at the beginning, then get really clear on what foods can support the results you want.

For instance, it's a good chance that you are here because you want to improve your fertility with PCOS. Are blood sugar issues a problem for you? If so, then focusing on foods that help balance blood sugar like whole grains and protein are going to be really important.

If you're trying to get pregnant with PCOS, are you eating foods that are rich in antioxidants like beets, berries, and dark leafy green vegetables? And are you not only eating them, but are you getting A LOT of these nutrient-dense foods on a daily basis to help support egg quality?

I'm not going to stand here and tell you I have the perfect cookie cutter diet for you, but I can tell you that eating a diet rich in whole-foods that are nutrient dense is a great starting point to improving your PCOS and your fertility.

Treat PCOS Naturally Fact #3: Supplements are important

While diet is the foundation of all good health, the reality is that we live in a world of much lower nutrients in our food than generations before. Soils are becoming more and more depleted of essential nutrients.

So while you can eat a really nutrient-dense diet full of good whole foods, you may still be deficient in certain nutrients and you want to watch out for that.

Vitamin D is a good example for this. You can get vitamin D in fish and from sunlight. I live in the Pacific Northwest, 9 times out of 10 when I run a vitamin D test for someone, they are way below the threshold for optimal fertility vitamin D standards.

Vitamin D is important to help with blood sugar levels, lower inflammation and improve egg quality so supplementing with vitamin D can be key for a lot of people.

But if you're someone who just decides to start taking vitamin D, you need to know that there is risk for taking too much. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which means it stays in your system rather than getting washed through like water-soluble vitamins. That's why understanding the right dose for your situation is key.


If you want to treat PCOS naturally you want to be sure that you are choosing a foundation based on diet, finding specific nutrients that you may be deficient in and replenish those (we talked specifically about vitamin D), and you need to get an individualized plan that addresses your specific needs.

Do you want to treat PCOS naturally and improve your chances of getting pregnant in the most effective way?

You need an expert who can look at your specific health situation and guide you on what is right for your individualized body.

Let me be that expert for you.

Book a call with me here and let's chat about your needs and how to get you the fertility results you're looking for.

Dr. Angela Potter

Hi! I’m Dr. Angela Potter and I am the creator of the PCOS Fertility Protocol. I offer individualized PCOS fertility plans in Portland, Oregon and virtually to women across the country.

Over the last decade of seeing patients, I was seeing too many women who felt hopeless and like their body was broken because they had PCOS and couldn’t get pregnant. That’s what inspired me to create my PCOS Fertility Protocol to help women (just like you!) have a clear path forward for their fertility.

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